Top interview questions for iOS developer Page 2
Hi, This is Shubham Mishra a ROR, iOS, Python developer. In this blog we will see top iOS interview questions. In the dynamic world we should be updated so as to compete with others hence I have listed below top interview questions based on my and others interview experience. This is the another sets of questions and answers, you can check my previous post, iOS interview questions Page 1
Let's Begin....
Q: What do you mean by Dynamic Dispatch?
A: The dynamic dispatch method is the selection mechanism for which implementation technique or function of a polymorphic operation to call at runtime. Which means invoking our methods like object method when we want to. But Swift is not dynamic dispatch by default.
Q: What do you mean by Code Coverage?
A: Code coverage is a measure which helps us calculate unit test values.
Q: Explain Completion Handler?
A: When our app is making an API call, completion handlers are super handy, and we need to do something when the function is completed, such as updating the UI to display the data from the API call. We'll see completion handlers like dataTaskWithRequest in Apple's APIs and they can be pretty useful in your own code.
Q: How to Prioritise Usability in Design ?
A: Broken down its design process to make usability a priority in below steps:
- Think like the consumer, build the UX instead.
- Understand consumers are humans, not demographics.
- Take into account all the situations where it may be useful when boosting an app.
- Continue to focus on the app's functionality even after launch.
Q: What would be the distinction between both the bound and the frame?
A: A UIView 's boundaries are the rectangle, expressed as a position ( x , y) and size (width, height) proportional to its own coordinate (0,0). A UIView frame is the rectangle, expressed in terms of location (x , y) and size (width, height) comparative to the superview it contains.
Q: Explain the Responder Chain ?
A: A ResponderChain is a series of entities that are given an opportunity to react to received events.
Q: Explain the Regular expressions?
A: Regular expressions are particular string patterns which explain how to find a string.
Q: Explain the Operator Overloading?
A: Operator overloading helps us to adjust the way existing operators behave with already existing forms. Operators are the small +, * and/or + symbols.
Q: Explain the TVMLKit?
A: TVMLKit is the TVML, JavaScript, and your native tvOS application glue.
Q: Which are tvOS limitations on Platform?
A: TvOS does not have any form of browser support, nor is there a WebKit or any other web-based rendering engine that you can program against. For something, this means the device can't connect to a web server, like web addresses, OAuth or social networking sites.
TvOS Applications can not use local storage directly. The devices ship with either 32 GB or 64 GB of hard drive space at product launch, but apps are not allowed to write directly to the onboard storage.
Q: Explain the Functions?
A: Functions let us group together a set of statements to accomplish some mission. When a feature has been developed it can be repeated in your code over and over. If you find yourself repeating statements in your code, then the solution can be a feature to avoid the repetition.
Q: Explain the ABI?
A: ABIs are essential for applications where external libraries are used. If a program is designed to use a specific library and that library is updated later, you don't want to have to re-compile the code (because maybe you don't have the source from the end user's perspective). Unless the modified library is using the same ABI, then there is no need to modify the software.
Q: Why is the pattern of design very important?
A: Development patterns are the universal approaches to common software design problems. They 're templates built to help you write easy-to-understand and reuse code. Most rising patterns in Cocoa design:
- Behavioural: Observer, and, Memento.
- Creational: Singleton.
- Structural: Decorator, Adapter, Facade.
Q: Explain the Singleton pattern?
A: The Singleton design guarantees there is only one instance for a given class, and that this instance has a global access point. It typically uses lazy loading to build the specific incident the first time it's needed.
Read more, iOS Interview questions page 3
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